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Le quartet BALKAVIK joue ses propres compositions, inspirées de suites transylvaniennes, moldaves et bulgares glanées au fil des voyages.
Teinté de leurs influences respectives variées – du jazz au funk, du swing au punk, du groove au musette – le résultat offre un concentré énergisant de musique instrumentale, entre tendresse et virtuosité, tradition et métissage.
Un univers onirique où se côtoient Tim Burton et Émir Kusturica, danses frénétiques et rythmes boiteux, alcool fort et folie douce...
Victor Abel (piano et composition)
Fred Gairard (violon)
Romain Karsenty (accordéon)
et Antoine Maes (contrebasse).
The BALKAVIK quartet plays its own compositions, inspired by Transylvanian, Moldavian and Bulgarian "suites" that they discovered during their travels.
Tinted with their varied respective influences – from jazz to funk, from swing to punk, from groove to musette – the result offers an energizing concentrate of instrumental music, between tenderness and virtuosity, tradition and crossbreeding.
A dreamlike universe where Tim Burton and Emir Kusturica meet, in an atmosphere of frenetic dances and lame rhythms, strong alcohol and sheer madness..
Victor Abel (piano & composition),
Fred Gairard (violin),
Romain Karsenty (accordion)
and Antoine Maes (double bass).
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